INDEPENDENT EDUCATION Youth Initiative High School is an independent school, which means that all of our funding comes our parents, business sponsor, donors, and fundraisers run by parents and students. YIHS does not receive significant financial support from the State of Wisconsin or the federal government, which allows YIHS a pedagogical flexibility and creativity that would not otherwise be possible. Raising all our income is a yearly endeavor that takes the diligent and generous efforts of everyone in the school. YIHS exists in a relatively low-income rural community and, as with any school, our needs are many. We meet this challenge with cooperation and enthusiasm, and instead of perceiving funding as an obstacle, we make it part of our curriculum and part of our community. The school depends on a circle of giving and gratitude. The members of our community, parents, students, and faculty alike, learn how to give and receive, and how to build a community in the process.
COST PER STUDENT At Youth Initiative High School the tuition paid by each family comes through a “pledge system”. Tuition is based on the ability of that student and their family to contribute financially to the school. Each year the Finance Committee compiles a budget and arrives at a cost per student. The cost per student acts as a guideline in a conversation between the Finance Committee and the individual families of students. Together they arrive at a figure which allows the school to remain financially secure while making an excellent education available to as many people as possible.
YIHS works hard to be resourceful and efficient with its resources. The vast majority of our budget goes to pay our dedicated and creative teachers for the work that they do. For much of our operating expenses we rely on the in-kind donations of the members of our corporation and the wider community, helping us to keep our cost per student affordable.
Many families simply pay the cost per student each year, some pay more, others less. But money is only one way that families contribute to the cost of educating their children. YIHS depends on the generosity and talents of its members. Whether it be organizing a fundraising dinner, giving expert advice to the Finance Committee, or simply driving students to and from a field trip, YIHS gives families the opportunity to share their time and unique talents in a way that can bring meaning and community into their lives, while helping to actively facilitate the education of their child.
Tuition & Fees
General Student Tuition and Fees: Tuition for school year 2016/2017 - to come...
Boarding Student Tuition and Fees: Tuition for school year 2016/2017 - $8000.00 Boarding Fee - $6200 Registration and Supplies - $650
Boarding Fee includes room and board as well as transportation to and from school, family support, and engagement with a local Host Family’s activities and daily life.
Applying in the Middle of the Year? No problem: If you are applying for admission in the middle of the school year, please get in touch with us to inquire about an agreement for tuition. Give us a call at (608) 637.6445 or email [email protected]
In addition we request the following: (final wording...)
STUDENT FUNDRAISING Student fundraising is a cornerstone of the philosophy of Youth Initiative High School. Asking students to support their own education through cooperative effort with their peers is a form of education not available in a traditional classroom. And they have fun doing it. From harvesting garlic to staging concerts, students raise around 5% of the overall budget and consistently exceed their fundraising expectations.
PARENT FUNDRAISING The Parent Committee is also responsible as a group for a portion of the fundraising budget. Parents work together to host community story-telling events, the annual Valentines Dinner, and more. A common goal helps the parents grow as a community and fundraising becomes fun-raising.
DEVELOPMENT As we enter our 20th academic year the Youth Initiative High School continues to grow, flourish, and, most importantly, to learn. Parents and students continue to be a vital part, not only of the spirit and governance of our school, but also of its financial stability. The mission of the Youth Initiative High School’s development office is to aid those groups in working to fund the school and to undertake efforts of its own to ensure that this beautiful institution remains on stable financial foundations and is able to grow into the future. The Development office administers the Matching Gift Program which leverages student fundraising efforts with contributions from the wider community. Together we look to widen the networks of giving and gratitude available to our school.